Saturday, July 11, 2009

This bring me to tears

I have nothing against people saying things about each other religion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and beliefs. After all this is Malaysia and we should have that respect towards each other. For me, to appreciate all the difference yet can live harmoniously together is something very special here.

But the fact that some random so-called religious investigator spat out the holy communion to be one of the things reported in the article for the magazine, I am beyond speechless.

God, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.
My anger turned to sadness and eventually tears. You ignorant and selfish people just don't know what is the significance of the "roti putih".

It is just so sad. Very.

So much of the 1Malaysia propaganda.

I just hope that we can live in harmony. Why this?


TaQuiLa said...

sial ooo tu urang2..heh!

Annie said...

katolik ialah agama yang mencurigakan kaini di mata durang? adui.. adui.. sampai hati sekali those people~

Kris and Nadia said...

Astaga.. ini membuatkan sya marah.. i think katolik sda mengaku kalah nda mau pakai that word again kan.. apa lg ba dorg mau ni..huh.. nda puas2.. huh!

Lindut a.k.a Carmel said...

udui,berkobar2 jantung sa bca tu crita..ndak sangka oh dorang sanggup buat mcm tu..

carolchs said...

this send tears to my heart as well. :((