Sunday, January 08, 2012

Horizontal fountain

There was a horizontal fountain at our house on this weekend. This accidental fountain was because of a burst pipe at the main road in front of our house. The pipe sort of burst towards our backyard ( The main road and our backyard is separated by a big drain ).

If it is a normal burst pipe with water flowing gently it is still okay. This one is like the fire hydrant, full on, high pressure spray of water to our backyard. The "fountain" started on Friday evening and water spraying like mad until Saturday afternoon. Can you imagine, how much water has been wasted?

So, at least not to waste so much, we washed our dog and also we "washed" ourselves at the horizontal fountain too. Sort of like a belated buang sial occasion. Haha.

Here's the videos of our crazy activity on a cloudy Saturday morning. ( sajuk tau! )

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