Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Putting Words to my Mouth

How do you feel when people shove words to your mouth? Saying something on your behalf without even asking you in person?

Like seriously, why do some people like to do this in the first place? Especially at the work place.

One ultimate case ( one of it, there are a few ) that really pisses me off right after school resumes this week is having two completely different response from two colleagues asking me to help them.

Well, to make things easier to conclude the long story is:

Teacher A ( head of the event ) said:

Joan, saya mau minta tulung ko bah ni incharge tu persembahan kebudayaan. Mau buat di pentas di padang tu dalam 15 orang lah. Pattern tarian sama lagu tu student yang sedia tu. Ko tinggal pantau saja. Tidak susah bah juga tu. Ini untuk promosi sekolah juga bah masa hari itu. Ok bah kan

Me: Oh, pantau saja ok lah kalau macam tu sebab kalau sa buat saturang semua sengsara juga tu, lagipun costume susah mo kasi sedia kalau ramai. Tidak cukup costume

Then belok sikit jumpa lagi satu urang

Teacher B ( head of the Cultural Club ) said:

Joan, saya sudah bagi respon bagi pihak ko pasal tu tarian. Sa bilang sama tu penganjur, penari depends sama berapa banyak costume kita available lah. Ko ada kunci tu stor kan? So sa kasi pulang sama ko saja lah ni. Pattern tarian tu ko lah in charge juga.

Me: Eh, ya ka pula? Tadi cikgu A cakap saya pantau saja. Napa begini?

Then I went to the office, came two students:

Student: Teacher, macam mana ni? Tu tarian camana?

Me: Eh, apa pula? Bukan kamu yang koreograf ka? Berapa orang penari ada, cikgu mo check berapa banyak costume cikgu bulih sedia

Student: Nda tau ni cikgu. Belum lagi pilih penari. Muzik pun tiada. Cikgu B cakap semua cikgu yang in-charge.

Me: Hah? Begini pula ka? Apa pula ni semua orang cakap benda yang nda sama.

In the end, I ask the students to just do whatever things that they wanted to do first and I MUST go and confront both teachers who have been happily shoving words to my mouth as if I am the only one who can do  work here.

Hmmmm. Susah bah begini.

I don't mind helping. But I am not a superhero. I can't be constantly on my toes whenever one workload came like that. And plus it came without warning. I am really not satisfied on how the organizer of the event agreed to have that stupid tarian thingy without even consulting me whether I can do it or not in the first place.

Aih! Bikin bertambah jirawat di muka saya. This is only one of the many case. And suddenly juga saya jadi Presiden Kelab Staf and the nonsense continues.

Baiklah, untuk kasi sinang hati sa sudah apply CRK hari 5 ini. Urus la kamu tu school in the meantime, am gonna enjoy myself at my highschool reunion in Kuching this weekend. Kusut masai sudah pikiran ni.

1 comment:

Amanda Christine Wong said...

ngam. use crk as a getaway card :D