Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Strange Calls

Apparently phone scams are on the rise now. I got 3 missed calls from +85215890000 and accidentally answered the call from +8529423322. Pretty much confused the whole day because I thought it was boyfriend who called from the rig. Padahal bukan.

So, I googled the number and terjumpa that this is a reversed call originating from Hong Kong about some lottery thingy. A scam la basically.

I have no clue how my number can be in "their" system. Jadi, kalau dapat call dari +852 something something. JANGAN JAWAB!!


Banyak la ba kejadian sejak akhir-akhir ini. Hmmmm. Tambah bikin risau, bikin stress segala.

I am still contemplating whether or not to hire a wedding planner or just do it on my own. Haish... I have short fuse lately because things are starting to get overwhelming.


Jue said...

Bahaya juga tu kan...huhu..next time jgn angkat..

carolchs said...

Minta tulung pastel n cream! Hehehe