Sunday, October 19, 2014


Satu kali datang masa busy, busy memanjang la. Assignments datang bertubi-tubi and definitely am slacking so much. Jarang bah sa study ni baru sa perasan. Title full time student tapi macam part time saja cos I do Zumba most of the time. This week is hectic with Zumba only. But hey, I have roughly RM300 this week from Zumba only. Ada la bikin beli KFC for lunch.

I am enjoying my solitary lunch after my Zumba class just now. Really out of the zone today. I dragged myself out of bed. Feeling trapped in my own house. Can't do this, can't do that. I eat rice more pun kana judge. Apa boleh buat la bah kan urang kampung. Bukan kamu yang kaya boleh makan daging bernama Steak bin Welldone. Hmpph.

Ikan masin + nasi + bambangan = boom. All the time better than those things. I enjoy solitary meal times nowadays. Judgemental city people stay away.

It's sad when you want to call a place your home but it is just so hard to adjust. Most of the time, you end up being alienated. Tsk tsk tsk.

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