Been waiting for the dust to settle down but the dust seems to be linger around forever. I reported back to my teaching duty on the 15th of February. Drafted this post around a month after reporting for duty but some how until now I just can't seem to find the time to finish this blog post. 

Procrastinating much? Not really. This new work place is CRAZY. It took me more than a month to get myself together.
So, on the 15th of Feb, I set off early in the morning. So early that I could actually follow the mister out of the house before sunrise. Yes, before sunrise. Sun rise means jam here in KL. Yet, you people in East Malaysia rises way early than West Malaysia though.
Then met up with my other two friends who are also reporting for duty back again. Bahagian Tajaan it was for the first stop. Submitted our documents there.
Then next to IPGM which is next door to Bahagian Tajaan. Well, not for me because my second stop supposed to be the Bahagian Sumber Manusia in Putrajaya. Just accompanying my friends because one of them is a lecturer for IPG
Finally, second stop is here at the Bahagian Sumber Manusia where they will issue a letter on which State Education Department you will be assigned to. So many layers of bureaucracy. Hmm, that's how just things work in the government sector in Malaysia. Here is also the office where people will do appeal for their posting according to the state. I asked for Putrajaya as my first choice, Selangor second and Kuala Lumpur third. (Yes, I didn't ask for Sabah because the mister do not have the option to actually transfer back to Sabah. Boohoo! Well, it's okay then)
So, third stop is the Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri. Now the journey is a solitary journey now as two of my friends set off to the airport right after Bahagian Sumber Manusia office as both of them are going back to Sarawak. Part of me felt a little jealous knowing that they are going back to East Malaysia. Rindunya!
It was already in the afternoon to settle all the dust for the reposting process and finally the Selangor State Education Department issued me a letter saying that I am posted to Daerah Hulu Langat, Seri Kembangan area to be exact. This is the school. It's near UPM and The Mines. A very young school. 6 years into its history and this year they only have the second batch SPM leavers. Young school indeed.
I am posted here to teach the afternoon session, the culture, community and what not is VERY different from back home. I have quite a tough time adjusting and I think it is also due to the fact that I was away from the service for more than 2 years. A LOT of adjusting to do. First week, I am here, I am constantly bombarded with the question about what race I am. In which it was kinda too much to the point of my annoyance. Tsk tsk tsk.
A new school. Smaller compared to my previous school back home. A fresh new start. Been trying to keep a low profile and just do the minimum here. I know if you are too outstanding you will be the target of every single portfolio because you know how to do things. My fellow teachers, you know this better right?
This is my work cubicle. It is very empty when I first arrived here. Hahaha. Starting to collect more "harta" now. But I am trying my best to be a minimalist. My colleagues have flower pots and flowery table covers. That is certainly not my cup of tea. Paning sa.
This school is hectic I must say. HECTIC! It is almost every Saturday we have school program (meetings etc). Mandatory weekly meeting is on Thursdays. Almost everyday we are required to work close to 10 hours. New school with new superiors who like to keep a good track record to show off to their superiors. I think this people need to learn from Sabahans on how to take life easy. Everyone is so stressed out here.
Ok, that's the introduction of my new workplace. Hahaha.