Argh. The family photo. THE FAMILY PHOTO. In my laptop's hard drive, in the picture collection, I can't find the complete family photo with me inside the picture. Saya malas mau cari di external hard disk.
It's either just everyone else minus me or I am inside the photo and somebody went missing. I am so gonna need another new tripod.
Because the existing tripod at home yang ada sudah jadi ini.
Now you know, how we did our videos kan. DIY semua..haha. But that was last time la, now I have the Sony Bloggie. Made everything less complicated. :)
Okay back to the main agenda..
So, here's the only photo of me and my family that I found ( errr, plus my cousin la cos this was taken during his wedding ) ... Ahaha.. bulih la bah kan?

Eh.. Semua perempuan your adik beradik? The tripod ribbon pun pink la.. hehehe
yeah..all girls ni kami
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