I just get to discover this new store at Karamunsing Complex. I have been walking pass the store before but I never realized its a makeup store. I only saw the Maybank ATM machine next to it. Ah, how funny!

Anyway, it was only recently that we got a makeover at this shop. Thanks to the boss, the beautiful Ms Irene Zaman. ( Mother of two mind you and she is still looking hot - punya siok if can maintain like that ). She did my make up.
Frankly speaking, I thought this is another local brand make up yang you know like one of those plenty branching out in the market these days. But, its actually a makeup brand from Istanbul and this branch here in KK, I think its the first.
The outcome. I am satisfied. I did one makeover with Bodyshop last time but I felt that the make up didn't last long compared to MAC ( the brand that I used a lot ). Anyway, this FCC make up last long and the quality bagus like MAC. And the best part is its AFFORDABLE! Unlike MAC, it will surely burn your pocket. FCC punya price range macam Maybelline, Loreal, ZA gitu.
According to the boss, the makeup is manufactured in the same factory like MAC, thats why the quality is the same but of course different branding, the price also differs. Well, I will surely try more of their products. Also according to her, a lot of the AirAsia stewardess are also using this makeup.
Nice...but I dont think I want to wear make up as heavy as them to work. Pengsan my students.
The first thing that I bought at the store is this one. I am not a fan of lipstick, am more to a gloss person but I hate the fact that gloss doesnt really give the color that you want. But hey this is a liquid lipstick. Its like a gloss, but its a lipstick. Liquid in a tube, so it gives the color that you want but its still as light as a gloss.

Price..sa lupa lah. But its around RM35 saja.
Just sharing sharing saja ni. Am not paid to this post. Hehe. Bah, siapa senang drop by at FCC store ( Karamunsing Complex, ground floor, next to Maybank ATM )