Hello March!
This February round up came a little bit late. It's already the 3rd day of March. Well, maybe I just need a little bit more time to cool down after having a burned out period a few days ago. I guess that's pretty much what could sum up February. Joan was
burnt out! Like totally burnt out.
To top all that, I had panic anxiety attack after all those emotional baggage overload. I cried myself to sleep for two consecutive nights just to let all the anger and frustration out. I got so fed up with so many things and I just don't have anyone to confide to during that time.
Recalling February
First week started out hectic with the prep of the KDCA-ISCEP program and the program itself. It was a handful handling the Korean students and also coordinating the program with the students, host families and teachers. It was hard but my extra hardworking colleague, Dazeree and I managed to survive the week. Bitter sweet experience definitely. Expenses claim in which memang susah mo dapat akan diurus this march.
Kalau dapat kana bayar claim. Pui!
Chinese New Year! Angpau Angpau Na Lai... But boohoo. The role will be reversed by next year, I won't be at the receiving end anymore. Bluek!
Then it was also my birthday. Yeap, loving the birthday celebration this year.
Thank you Foursquare, you are so sweet! |
Led the netball team for the MSSD tourney, a not so good year for my team. From 1st place last year to 4th place this year. Boohoo!
And to conclude February, an extensive "baking" session at the stadium for the district level athletics meet. Kulit hangus!!
Bring it on March!