Sunday, September 08, 2013

Hen's night

And yeah, I have crazy girlfriends who went all out to organize one for me. And why actually they call it hen's night?

Much love to you girls. Thank you so much! 

Cheers to more vulgarities and what nots. It's a good time out to escape from the crazy wedding preparation.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

W - is for Wednesday ( DIY pew deco )

I always love DIY stuff. It gives me contentment. So going green by using kotak kotak lama, paling ngam la kan.

Here's a guide for the DIY church pew deco

Hehehe. Bride to be(s) who love to go green perhaps can try this. 

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Welcoming September

Welcoming September with stress level shooting through the roof. School work and wedding prep plus PMS is a lethal combination.

Guest list is the paling babi di dunia and the paling the babi in the world. Pui pui pui!!!