Monday, February 13, 2023

Birthdays retrospect

 It has been a while ya. Too long in fact. Taking off some quite time for myself, to reflect in retrospect of the past birthdays i had. Now that I am a mother of two, I realized that birthdays are a celebration of the strength of a mother. One doesn't get to have birthdays if it is not for the birthing process, the delivery, the entrance to world from the womb. The beauty of life.

I was 18, 20 years ago. Time flies. That time, I was a young girl, a freshie in college. Fresh and ready to take on the world. I was 28, 10 years ago. At that age I got married with my better half. And today I am 38. There's just so much to be grateful about every birthdays of mine. Family, friends, career, health and a life to look forward to. Not perfect, full of challenges but there's joy to it. I am grateful to God for the opportunity and life given to me. It is kinda scary to actually think that every year of your birthday might also be your last. Life is like that I suppose. Death is inevitable for everyone. Yet, in this very moment, may we live our lives in the moment. Love to the fullest.

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