AS expected...Miss Tuaran clinched the title..Congratulations Miss Jo-Anna SH Rampas..You made sure that the crown stays with us again this year..*my poor little camera tidak sempat capture the moments tadi and we sat in the hall practically the whole day until my butt hurts~but it's worth it la..haha.* Somehow her crown was REALLY huge..macam terlampau pula besar..lawa la but satu kali tengok dis like the Bishop's punya headgear ni..2mro buy paper and see for yourself la.I bet you will agree with me also..
2 years IN A ROW...Ms Tuaran menang! WOW..I think the next Tuaran Queen next year will have tremendous pressure to compete because people are watching out for Miss Tuaran again next year I suppose..just to gauge and compare wether the next successor will be able to retain the crown again.. As for me I am really anticipating for that moment to come..haha *lama lagi pun next year baru kaamatan lagi*
State Unduk Ngadau Winner 2007 : Miss Tuaran
Second place : Miss Putatan
Third place: Miss Beluran
Fourth place: Miss DBKK
Fifth place: Miss Inanam
Sixth place: Miss Tawau ~ She is also Ms HOTLINK Popular

Seventh place: Miss Klang Valley
Pictures courtesy of undukngadau.com this blog :)
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