Kaamatan..month of merry-making..long happy hours of course! and Unduk Ngadau..always the highlight of the celebration..and of course armed with my not so canggih digital camera., I went to the Sodop Unduk Ngadau last nyte..well JUST to menyibuk and of course supporting my friends who ARE competing..

In the maroon glamorous dress...Annie Lee (Ms Beaufort), she almost trip over her dress during the group catwalk..but being comfortable on stage as always she covered it up..Lembaga Kebudayaan punya penari ba my friend dis..evry year during State Kaamatan got the drama-cum-dance right before the Unduk Ngadau start kan? then got Huminodun right? Every year she was the one la jadi Huminodun that..but this year cuti cos she is ACTUALLY competing to be one real Huminodun..all the best of luck!

and..in red, looking all ladylike my friend also..Charlene Jintoni (Ms Likas). One girl that oozes with confidence..you should listen to hear when she starts talking..WOW! Lawyer to be kan..best of luck also to you..

here is ms putatan (Melonnie Takom)-she was the 3rd place state kaamatan winner in 2005..am anticipating on the placing that she will get this year..In purple...Ms Tamparuli (Emily Eddie)-kinda last minute substitute of the real ms tamparuli whom was disqualified because she tak cukup umur..but last minute pun, now emily is looking radiant and all set for tomoro's final..GO tamparuli! and extreme left is Ms Lahad Datu..dunno her name pula..But I heard last time she competed in Lahad Datu..only 8 participants including her..joined..*talk about few competitions..so lucky!*

Picture above: That's Cherylane Chok (Miss Beluran)..Reigning Queen - Ms Devenna..and Shane Meliko (Miss Kuala Penyu) standing with grace on the stage. This Miss Kuala Penyu was my sister's schoolmate back in MRSM KK. She looked so different then but no doubt she is tall la. But for me, she is a bit of a plain jane if without make up. *well, it's just personal view..dunno wat will others think.*

the rest of the girls..I like Ms Penampang's hair do and dress..VERY elegant..quite diff from the rest..and I baru realized her hairdo last nyte was the same like Ms Penampang last year also..and if you can see 2nd from the right is Ms Kota Belud...Lyora Kok..I think last year of the year before that she went to the state finals also..Her body really look like a model la..tall slim n slender..but I dunno her face like TOO plastic for me..*dunno why I think that way..botox maybe? Hmm..I am just assuming*

3 girls with the crowns..from left..Viola Fidilis (Ms Inanam -Tati Tosuau @ Ms Friendly)..and of course Reigning Queen~ Devenna Jaikob and Jo-Anna SH Rampas (Ms Tuaran- Tati Topiodo @ Ms Natural Beauty)..and my personal view and little instict here says that Ms Tuaran really stand a chance to win tomorrow provided she didn't do any mistake la..especially QnA session..but I believe she can..*what's ur say about this?*

...pretty girls..but adui, got juga some yang lemak2 termampat and tummy nampak sket...dun wan to point out which one but pandai2 la see in the pix k..

Ms Tuaran..very pretty..naturally..but I guess her evening wear last nyte was a "bit" hmmmmmmmmm...not so flaterring..Somehow, I guess it is not the dress that played as the main factor..it is all bout being YOU..and BEING your true ONESELF..
GIRLS..all the best of luck..m in full support for ms tuaran, tamparuli, penampang, beaufort n likas dis..haha..whose ur pick?
gotta sleep now..hav to b fresh tomorrow..Kotobian om Kounsikaan Tadau Tagayo do Kaamatan..ARAMAITI!
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