Wednesday, April 25, 2007
chaos theory//CHAOS THEORY
If there is anyone that can explain me the benefit of this.then let me life is chaotic now..
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
evening stroll with the trolls
here are some interesting pixs that we took during our stroll that year then only we have the awareness to take pictures together AND inside the campus..bleh..apa la
orang-orang utan found!
sunrays over my head
over the bridge near pulau harapan..mana kah itu?
ada 3 toyols spotted!
usm most unavailable bachelors...kampungan semua
jump! tapi jaga tu perut...huhuhu
kena denda...kesian..hehe
onli one person was excited in this pix..hehe

oh no! boys stinks...
in front fajar harapan...
more pose..
ooohhhh! gambar curi aaaaa
happy faces... cacat saja muka bergambar begitu!
dua budak kampungan berjalan-jalan

I LOVE this pixs so smallville..haha
odoi dogo...
boys like monkeys here..
hahahaha..had fun taking pics..gonna miss u guys all..
taekwondo dinner!
The theme of the dinner was mystery of art...but I dunno why the door gift was a mask..when I saw that, I am thinking more of a masquarade party...
Princess Kelly
The food...sad to say even tho evrything was in abundance the food was not nice at all...sorry ya commitee...dunno y u ol pick naza hotel..lucky i dun hav to pay full price...if not rugi oo...the most strange menu was the onion soup... blergh!
the guys n gals...
pretty girls in abundance

siew lian, seow huey, mun wai n me (huhu..i very ketot!)
me n the TK girl..aiyo i forget ur name la...sorry a
muka bodoh the captain of the team bodyguards!...i like..i like..muahaha
prince weiwen
me n kok wooi ( one of our coach)
Yeah...make me beautiful...hahaha
me n some of the comitee (love her saree)
me n ismail (driver 1 ..thanx for fetching me there k)
me n rachel (driver 2- thanx for driving me back ok)
after -the -party -face
yeow chong, kelly, me, jolin, wei wen
me, dr pok (coach) n ai chin
Ee ling, showing off the prizes that still have the price tag on...hahaha..semua hadiah murah...hehe

Ismail! I curse you to be a frog forever!!!!
Had so much fun that nite even tho the food sucks...not too mention to the "kinda strange" singing performance by me and eng tee..haha..ok la dat..4 years with club and now it is coming to the end time I have to pay extra already if I want to attend this club's dinner..Seniors are obliged to sponsor..huhuhu
persis dinner!
Well, i start my blog with this stupid pictures from the boys who got bored and have nothing to do during after the dinner...Toilet pose! Apa la..
these are the seniors yang di celebrate on that night..veterans of the year..haha..nah muka sa saja yang paling clear sana..tu la kamu berdiri di belakang

the food...paid rm 45 for this...but the food was worth it la..desserts damn nice..except no ice cream la..the main course was nice also..all in all we pay and we get the food for that price la..except tidak boleh makan banyak nanti the dress i wore tidak cantik..jadi boroi later...haha
classic pose..perasan vogue la this..
some of the seniors yang tidak kelihatan for the earlier pixs
king n queen...guess who?

me n astra
ni meja jiran sebelah..yang tarakas
model iklan..hehe
some of the crowd!
doi..ini lamuka paling kampungan..driver wira yang tidak bertauliah...
this is us..trying to be "cute"..akakaka
girls in ss
beliau kampungan di dalam SS
2nd round there...
our pix taken form meja sebelah
andy..the lady...organized the superb event of the nite
before the party..grand arrival of vips in kereta wira..haha
Persatuan mahasiswa/i sabah of USM punya annual dinner...again at gurney hotel...for this final year of mine..almost all the dinner i attended was held in gurney...i also dunno why. But overall, ok was nice..even tho tidak ramai but siok la the performance all..ven tho meja kami kena cakap kampungan..tapi banyak pretty girls sit our the rest jangan jeles..

beliau kampungan di dalam SS
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