Wednesday, April 04, 2007

evening stroll with the trolls

here are some interesting pixs that we took during our stroll that year then only we have the awareness to take pictures together AND inside the campus..bleh..apa la orang-orang utan found!
sunrays over my head
over the bridge near pulau harapan..mana kah itu?
ada 3 toyols spotted!
usm most unavailable bachelors...kampungan semua
jump! tapi jaga tu perut...huhuhu
kena denda...kesian..hehe
onli one person was excited in this pix..hehe

oh no! boys stinks...

in front fajar harapan...
more pose..
ooohhhh! gambar curi aaaaa
happy faces... cacat saja muka bergambar begitu!

dua budak kampungan berjalan-jalan

I LOVE this pixs so smallville..haha
odoi dogo...
boys like monkeys here..
hahahaha..had fun taking pics..gonna miss u guys all..

1 comment:

pinolobu said...

Thanks for linking to my Unconventional World Records blog. Tapi.....itu link dia kurang tepat lah, should be

Thanks again!