When I announced my pregnancy last week at 20 weeks, most people thought I am at the end of my first trimester. Yeah, I know my baby bump is kinda small. I did not gain much weight until now. I am in the middle of my second trimester now. But I foresee all the weight will be piling in by the end of my second trimester as I have this appetite surge like nobody's business. Also at the same time, I am also scared of gaining too much weight. Banyak la bah pikiran kan.
And yes, I am still teaching Zumba like usual until now. It is just that I decreased the frequency of my classes tremendously. I used to teach everyday except Sunday with dance fitness classes ( Zumba, group fitness and other programs ). Ranging from minimum 6 hours of classes per week to 8 or 9 hours if with class replacements. Yeah, I was kiasu like that. But, now I am only teaching 2 hours of class per week and it is only Zumba Fitness. I also do have some help from my students to do all the jumping and what not.
Some people said I am crazy, stubborn and endangering the baby. Yes, I agree with them( Kasi iya saja, kalau sa mau bagi point sendiri terus tatap kana bom). Everyone is right. They are entitled to their opinion. I did not even stop during my first trimester. I just decreased class frequency and did milder movements until now. My mom keep bugging me to stop teaching classes. Every now and then, I heard hush hush talk behind my back about me still teaching. At times, I am actually affected by the negative vibes around.
To be honest, there are a few things that people do not know about me. Yes, this is my first pregnancy and I do not know much. But actually I am following all the guidelines that I know is right for me and the baby
- I am a qualified pre-natal and post-natal fitness trainer. I took the course last year. The knowledge helps me a lot when I get pregnant myself
- I have been doing Dance Fitness since like high school and I have been teaching Zumba Fitness for over two years. It is not that I started teaching when I got pregnant
- My gynae did gave clearance on continuing my fitness activities provided that I take extra care and look out for signs that might affect pregnancy
- It is actually recommended for pregnant moms to exercise. The type of exercise needs to suit the fitness level and needs of the expectant mothers as well. Just don't pick up new activity when you are pregnant. But the Asian mentality has this stigma against exercising pregnant moms.
I can go on and on and on with all the reasons why I am still exercising and people who are opposing this idea also can go and on and on with their stand. Every pregnancy is different. Every expecting moms have different situation. Acknowledge that. I acknowledge that. I only need positive vibes around for now. If you have nothing good to say, save it to someone else who would actually listen to you.
Dance Fitness makes me happy! This is one thing that actually made me survive the trying times during first trimester with all the hormone imbalance and all. So, I am gonna do what makes me happy.
p.s: Pre-pregnancy, I am actually very flexible. Splits are very easy all the hip opening poses are my favourite. But the relaxin hormone now is kinda killing me as it made my pelvic area to be extra relaxed during this pregnancy. Nah, start sudah la urang mo cakap tu. "nah, kan pa sa bilang bahaya bah mo esesais time bunting" - so what do you want me to do? Sleep and baring saja sampai beranak?