Basically that' s what I found when I went to Taiping recently. Being the wettest place in Malaysia, it rain almost everyday and an umbrella will be your best friend there. The lush green hills (apa nama the hills that..urm Maxwell Hills ka I think) is a refreshing sight. I remember I passed the MRSM Taiping located at the foothills area. They are just so lucky to have a very nice place to study. I remember my days in MRSM Kuching 5 years back, the place is most of the time panas - not to mention the constant attack of haze from the neighbouring country. *
Cough-COughThe Lake Gardens also very
"CANTIKKKKK" *say the word with stress on
say it like a sabahan. :) *. Really memang cantik. Audrey, if you are reading this...I suggest to you to take your wedding picture at that place since its your town. hehe.
Somehow, if go jalan malam-malam, this place sleep so early la. By 10 something, nothing much is happening already. I think there everybody stay at home la at night. Except for the rats, they are practically everywhere. Gemuk gemuk lagi all that. Taiping people really feed their rats well.
Ok, penat wanna type...The rest just check out the pixs la.

and below pixs, I don't even know why should it be taken like that. That was after sunset mass in Taiping church. ~Find me!~

Below, the
great mouse deer in Taiping zoo. Unlike it's name, the size of the animal is very small. *
macam kucing basar I think* Mini. Cute. Petite. But the most prominent characteristics that captured my attention is the tusk that this animal has. Had to try many shots to capture the sight of the cute tusk. This little thing just can't stop moving.

Me and Andre at Lake Gardens paddling the boat with our feet. Macam buduh ja. It was fun though. Hehe

Was asked to take this pix with this lembu. My so-called long lost relative. *
but why I don't have horns?*
WOGOK!! BABI HUTAN in zoo. Seriously, I don't know why this thing should be displayed in the zoo. It should be slaughtered and roasted even better. Try wild boar bak kut teh pun ok. haha. WOGOK!

Another sight of "animals". :))

Below is the pix of a very green pool which reminds me of Labuan sports complex pool. haha. Though this one is green, it's totally free of chlorine. No chlorine smell but you are swimming with algae.

Below, Burmese pool. *bah* What a name? It is not a pool also.
Sungai yang mengalir deras saja. 
This one really interesting, a red phone box. Like the ones in UK. too bad this one only for display. That's me and Aunty Cecilia posing in front of the phone booth.

Oh...and this one...The otters in Taiping zoo. They are so cute especially when they are eating the fishes given to them. They can hold it and start gnawing the fish from its tail to the head. Finishing it bit by bit, the chewing part is the cutest. They have to hold their head up to make sure they can swallow the food better.

That's all la...sleepy and wet town. reminds me of my own place though.
but Tamparuli teda zoo la and we are much smaller. Btw peeps, I am coming home this 8th.
so berjaga-jaga la,
Sabah menanti kepulangan one of its fairest lass. *again perasan*From Taiping with love ;)