Things are slowly turning back to normal after much of the hoo-haa during the past few days during this raya break.
And I can say that this is one of the most happening break that I am having. It was fun, especially the reunion of friends and families. Loving the moment.
In the meantime, gotta tune back to working mode by today. I just realized also that September is coming to an end. Geez, how time flies!
Anyway, blog hiatus = to these things.
My holidays kicked off with a journey to Keningau. My first time there. ^_^. Yes, I am a Sabahan who doesn't go touring around my state that much...I know..
Congratulations to
Sheila and Don for their engagement.

Looking forward for your wedding..Haha.
Saja mau bagi pressure ni so that you two set the date awal-awal.
After Keningau, then Ranau. The owh-yeah trip! Don't ask why owh-yeah. The
driver and the
kucing from Sarawak punya story that one. Ask them.
First, go hari Raya at
Alvin's place.
And after that..teman this two hyppo berendam di Poring. Haha
The fun continues when a few of my unimates meet up in KK for a yamcha session + plus the bowling earlier. Check in FB for videos. Memalukan!!!
The camaraderie...miss you people la!
A concluding event. Again Krazy Kazens hitting the Karaoke place again. Why always there?..Hmm. I don't know, maybe its in our genes that we love singing very much. It runs in the blood. Aramai ti saja!
Bukan selalu bah kan. ^_^
School will resume tomorrow. It's always a Hallelujah for holidays. Why not for work, I wonder?