Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wake Me up When September Ends

In fact, I am waking up to a morning of the last day of September today. And tomorrow is the 1st of Oct. Gosh, how time flies!

Raya just passed and in fact still on ( raya kan sebulan..), and can't wait for Christmas also, even though tomorrow baru masuk October. Ooh, btw can't wait for SBG too!! Still undecided on what to wear. Why so susah one??huhu

I seriously doesn't know what to blog about now. Am blogging for the sake of the date. Haha. Since the last exciting holidays, things at work and my daily life seems so ordinary now. Yea, things are getting back to normal but activity at work seems to be picking up. Extra classes day in and day out.

"Me and my heart, we got la la" --> You know the song? Sigh, it pretty much sums up my emotion for the time being.

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