Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pampering time

After recovering from dengue, my skin is extra dry and so is my hair. My nails are like hmmph and whatever, I felt so ugly. And I am like, screw it! I am gonna dye my hair, do my nails and take extra care of my skin (plus chugging in more and more H2O until I am so bloated). Not only that, I think my body timing is so screwed up because of the virus attack.

Time to get feel pretty by spending a lot some money.

As usual, this is like my annual visit to my fave salon here in Klang Valley because it's quite pricey.

Dyed my hair to a new color. Even color, the blonde ends are annoying me so much. Love the new color even though when I came back home, the mister was asking "where's the new hair color?". WTF, I spend two hours and some three digit amount on that hair and he said he cannot see any difference.


Anyway, I am loving it. Went to do pedicure as well cos my toenails looked like shit as well. Sigh.

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