Thursday, January 04, 2007

Yahoo Mail O Yahoo Mail

Adui na...(bah, malas mo beringlish-inglis ni kali ni). Sakit lidah. Hehe..

If can't understand, just bear with me. Or if you like can tutor you for sabah BM. *I can be your sleeping dictionary..ahahaha..*

Kenapa bah mail lambat butul mo load one page.. Sangsara menunggu. Sudah la ni CC pun kira cekik darah juga.. Kurang ajar.

Mo compose mail pun mo amik around 15 mins baru bulih page to compose mail. Silaka! sama saya jak free time sa ni ari.. Patut bulih buat benda berfaedah, last2 buang masa menunggu jak dalam ni CC. Sakit pantat duduk sini *oops, ok. whatever it means to the non-sabahan*

Sambil2 juga check out page and Pigi dingar lagu2 durang ni. SLalu juga dingar tapi bikin panas lagu yang kana pasang cni cc, jadi sa rasa bagus lagi pi dingar lagu sana.

Einaaaaa...capat pula sa taip ni kalo tulis BM sabah ni.

*Again ~ Yahoo Mail still cacat!*

1 comment:

Chironex said...

i'm the founder/webmaster for

the domain is now expired. it was not renewed cos we couldnt think of a good name to replace it, cos the site is not just about eggs anymore but etw and papier mache.

have to use for now.

i hope you found the Felix Challenger song entertaining. The video is now available at pinolobu's youtube account.