Thursday, April 23, 2009

oh! celakanya

my ...

room is in a mess ~ well, this is not new!

laptop's battery is so bodoh ~ oooh, changing to a new one gonna cost me some more..aiya!

handphone's charger rosak for the second time ~ and I am so busy now, I need my phone badly!

oh my...

susahnya hidup ini, why do all celaka things happen all at the same time especially when you need things done a.s.a.p

last night, my laptop gone berserk and it cost me precious time. then black out somemore last night. haiya. the proposal of a project I am working on is halted.

tonight, I really need to make some important calls and sms due to the coming dance competition. The charger died pula. celaka. Then the cable to charge with pc hilang pula. Installation CD can't be found....OMG. I am going crazy!

ohoho..It was such a relief that I managed to solve the charger problem juga la.

I am so gonna be buying a new phone la. The phone I am using now is goin to the old folks home for phones already...

But what phone I should buy. Definitely, I can't afford a phone costing more than RM500. But the thought of having a PDA phone would be nice also. Ahahahaha...

Buy charger saja la... huhuhu


TaQuiLa said...

then..tu la gunanya SWAP! kekekekee

Joan said...

ehehe..apa tu SWAP?

TaQuiLa said...

bunyi credit card kena scratch..hahaha

Dazeree Joan said...

begitu la tu joan. tau2 huj bulan kan.

Joan said...

sheila..huhu, macam mau bertambah ja ni hutang di bank nampaknya ni

daz..ya bah. ni barang2 kan semua tau2 ja hujung bulan, semua la mau rusak

Anonymous said...

hahaha...geram oh kan when the time u really need it, it all went wrong..bikin panas..hehe

Anonymous said...

that's what we called bad hair day