Saturday, February 09, 2008

heaven and earth

that's how one of the spa treatment is being called. and too good to be true it is offered at one of our local 5 star resort just minutes away from the city centre (well not really minutes but rather a couple of minutes more than it should be).

ah..I really want to be in a spa right now. chinese new year was kinda happening, not to mention very filling at the same time. all I want now is some total relaxation. but nothing comes free these days. angpau oso not a lot anymore...MONEY MONEY i need MONEY

can't wait on my first paycheck for my new job...can't wait to splurge on self-indulgence *heavenly spa treatments* ~rose bath ..rose butter wrap..aromatherapy massage...and the list goes on

or anyone care to join me for watsu?

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