Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
suicide girls

Interested to know more, so I searched online. And...
OMG..it is actually and alternative porn empire. Gosh...providing another alternative apart from typical playboy's playmates.
miss global petite

*plans to join..ahaha.what a silly thought!*
On another note. I was googling about this miss global petite and found this article *which I found to be very VERY interesting*
WE all agree that having sex in public is indecent and should be punishable by law. I am sure our lawmakers had precisely this in mind when they drafted by-laws governing indecent behaviour in parks.
But what about walking hand-in-hand? What about sitting together on a park bench; a peck on the cheek; a spontaneous hug? Are such acts indecent?
Remember the three young women who, seeking fame and fortune in Kuala Lumpur, entered the Miss Petite Malaysia contest, only to be unceremoniously hauled off the stage for "indecent behaviour"?
do you wanna be Victoria's Secret Angel?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
worthy is the One
Thank you for the cross Lord, Thank You for the price you paid..
After Easter this song just got stuck in my head *a way of God speaking to me, perhaps?*

The moment also really coincides beautifully with the visit of the Youth Jubilee Cross to our church

Easter being the symbol of resurrection and a new hope for all. and the period of lent is a trying time for us to ponder and reflect.
Flashback on lent..indeed every lent has its own challenges. But this year is totally EXTRA for me. 3 deaths in the family. back to back.the graveyard seems to be a common sight for the whole family for the past 2 weeks.
Monday, March 24, 2008
happy easter all.

more here
Sunday, March 23, 2008
cameras for a dummy like me
: wanted to try photography
: but don't know where to start
: need a camera

*doi, apa juga ba beza dia tu?*
anyone could help? and any tips on how to get started?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
vaginal smoking
"The woman sits naked in a chair with a hole in the seat while a bowl of seeds and herbs is burned under the hole. The smoke that wafts up into her vagina is meant to stimulate and disinfect the region."-taken from the balispaguide.com *no pics though, sorry guys! hehe*
I was browsing about different spa treatments on the web, then I came across about this...very interesting indeed, yet kinda disturbing. Who would want their vagina to be smoked to be pretty?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
school holiday coming to an end
1. Your ex and You = there is nothing to say about that
2. I am listening to = mocca (it's over now)
3. Maybe I should = exercise more, eat less..*haha*
4. I love = YOU..*and whoever that you is*
5. My best friend(s) = are around me *I guess*
6. I don't understand = people fighting over feelings issues
7. I have lost my respect for = no one, nothing
8. I last ate = fried chicken wings *for dinner*
9. The meaning of my display name is = my 'manja' name at home..*yai~punya bida*
10. God = will come!
11. Someday = somehow,somewhere.
12. I will always be = the girl next door
13. Love seems = to make the world goes round and round and round
14. I never ever want to lose = MONEY!
15. My Blog is = is where I blog *duh!*
17. I get annoyed when = things doesn't go according to plan.
18. Parties = if I am having fun and I don't have to do anything..LIQUOR is a must!
20. Simple kisses = fluttering
21. Today I = want to sleep more
22. I wish = people just don't like to fight against each other
01. is your hair wet?->Of cos not, am going to bed soon.
02. is your cell phone right by you?-> Yes, and it is on my RIGHT side.haha
03. do you miss someone? -> Definite YES
04. are you wearing chapstick? -> No, a CHOPstick. *akaka*
05. are you tired?-> Kinda, wish can sleep more..
06. are you wearing pajamas? -> Never did own one.
08. are you mad? ->NO
09. are you upset? ->Now, a bit 'la'
01. recently done anything you regret? ~hopefully not, not the ones that I remember.
02. ever lied? ever..? ~who don't!
03. ever put gum underneath a desk? ~I am truly civilized enough not to do that.
04. ever kicked someone? ~YES!
05. ever tripped over your own feet? ~I don't have that extra left foot
01. have you cursed? ~Nope. Been good today.
02. have you gotten mad at someone? ~YEAH..but can't do anything much about it.
Q: is there a person who is on your mind right NOW?
Q: do you have any siblings?
YEA I do
Q: do you smile often?
Tried to. But I guess a sulk is easier to pull off
Q: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
why do u wanna now that
Q: do you like your handwriting?
Q: are your toenails painted?
nude color
Q: are you a friendly person?
I am an Aquarius for goodness sake
Q: who's bed other than yours do you sleep in?
hmmmmmm..let me think
Q: what color shirt are you wearing?
Q: what were you doing at 7pm yesterday?
cant seem to remember..short term memory loss
Q: I can't wait until:
the next school holiday
any resemblance?
Friday, March 14, 2008
not really into it
yes! It is the sixth day of the school holidays. Nothing much has been going on except that our political drama of the nation is truly at its greatest heights. Can't really afford to go and read every single thing on the net about all this yet the youtube.com's videos and songs really amuses me a lot.
counting the days to go back to school made me feeling a bit miserable. Damn! why do good things always have to end. I just don't want to be reminded about the workload that is waiting for me when the schooling days starts..and hush-hush a bit. *our Penolong Kanan is a pain in the ass, argh*
got into a fight with my mom yesterday.doesnt help much to cheer the gloomy events that has been happening throughout the school hols. sometimes I can be so B*thcy with some stuff. well, what the heck, I must have inherit it from someone or somewhere also.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
school's out, holiday's here!
--> So, I am "window holidaying!" .haha
Window holiday for places like Bali...gosh the place is such a HEAVEN...the hotel rooms at some resort and hotels are just SO nice!

*but one thing concerns me a lot that I read somewhere about the security level in Bali is totally jeopardized given the recent cases of bombing of tourist spots..owh, how safe it is to travel there?*
Ooo..and one interesting list I found at www.tripadvisor.com is this
TRIP_ADVISOR_DIRTIEST_HOTELS_LIST you might wanna check it out.hehe
Monday, March 03, 2008
25th february
He became one with the rest
A great fun promised when he was small
A great loyalty shown through his daily toils
Being one under one roof is also not always easy
Fighting for space, privacy and a place to mess around
Companions change twice, but he never turn his back on us
Changes come and go, yet he stayed on.
For several years, things were doing so fine
Until at one moment, pride came crashing down
He has lost his territory and had to find recluse in his own nest
Months passed he just live a very fixed routine of life
Then one fine day, he left and he never did come back
..and all we know that he was killed in a road tragedy.
injured beyond recognition..only the leg made it so obvious its him
7 years with us, it is just so hard to believe that he is not with us anymore
He had live a good life, should be longer, but God called him back

R.I.P Miawtut (2001-2008)
~fondly known to the neighborhood as the cat with 3 legs
~a friend, a pet and a loyal, faithful cat

trivia time
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Joan!
- Devoid of her cells and proteins, Joan has the same chemical makeup as sea water!
- The blood of mammals is red, the blood of insects is yellow, and the blood of Joan is blue.
- During the reign of Peter the Great, any Russian nobleman who chose to wear Joan had to pay a special Joan tax.
- The book of Esther in the Bible is the only book which does not mention Joan.
- Joan, from the movie of the same name, had green blood!
- Red Joan at night, shepherd's delight. Red Joan at morning, shepherd's warning!
- Joan has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
- The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armour raised their visors to reveal Joan.
- Joan was originally called Cheerioats!
- If you don't get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have Joan for the rest of the day.