all the stress and marah-marah and air liur and what not. it paid off.
The challenge doesn't just stop at merely guiding them. I am the baby sitter also, the motivator. It's like many-many roles combined into one. One word to sum it up. A teacher.
I am happy to inspire them and to get the massive hugs from 7 players right after the finishing whistle was blown. It was a memorable moment. biar pun semua bau peluh.
Before the finals this morning, I even have to go to one of my player's house to talk to the dad to let her play with the team. Well, the concerned parent is worried that their daughter is gonna sit for PMR this year that they want her to stay in class and study. So, I had to put on my diplomatic cap to negotiate with the parent. Luckily, I succeed. Phew!
We are underdogs actually, I never put any expectations for my team to win. But, I only ask one thing from them that is to play well. I also advice them to always have positive thoughts inside of their head and avoiding all the negative vibe.
I am happy to inspire them and to get the massive hugs from 7 players right after the finishing whistle was blown. It was a memorable moment. biar pun semua bau peluh.
I almost cried but still gotta maintain the composure of a garang coach. Haha
Well, the roles are reversed now. I used to be one of the girls in the team. I used to wear the same skirt that they are wearing. Seriously, the same exact skirt back in 1998 and 1999.

I still remember clearly the same blue skirt and the red-blue jersey that one of the girl is wearing in the picture.
Vintage to the max. I wonder why the school never ganti the skirt.
Now, I am living my life like the One Tree Hill punya story. Haha. Where everyone is grown up and some of the kids go back to their own school and coach the team which they used to be part of. Konon la.
In the meantime, I am still nursing my sunburnt skin. It's hurting and itching all over la. Cessss!