Just playing along..ni si milai la suruh ni
Food I hate : What can I say I LOVE FOOD..can't say no
Fruit I hate : FOOD = FRUIT...still don't get it ka?
Veggies I hate : Ini lagi la... FOOD = FRUIT = VEGGIE...all edible makanan la tu, what is there to be hated?
Celebrities/People that I hate : Erm..let me see..dis one so many..ehehehe..
Event/Situation/Incident that I hate : Feeling helpless..stuck nowhere to go. Can't stay but not wanting to leave kinda situation..I just don't like losing control over anything.
TV shows/movies that I hate : Considering the amount of TV time that I had for the past 3 months.. I love TV. haha
Music I hate : Sorry, I am not a racist but I don't like Tamil Songs...they are just *erm....noisy I guess
Household chores that I hate : Sweeping my house...susah ni if large area have to cover
Things that you hate around the world : People being shallow, not being able to live harmoniously
Things that you hate about yourself : hmmmm....my height.but everything about me make me ME...hehe..I love myself