This is so not me to blog about this. Being a coward myself.
*really, no sh*t, I am seriously a coward when it come to this kind of things*..........................................................................................................................................................................
Well, as Monday kicked in
I reached school only then one male teacher was making an announcement in the staff room that he need help of several female teachers
Why female teachers?The teacher told us then that a student is on a histeria attack.
So, me and my colleague went la. We were assuming that this is one those ordinary cases that the student stressed out too much that they go loco
But, upon reaching the classroom and seeing the girl...
*damn, this one serious sh8t*No need to elaborate on the situation, with those cries, eerie laughter and the big glaring eyes....OMG.
Everything came to an end after 1.5 hour after some guy who knows how to overcome this thing came to the rescue.
And on the TV3 news that night, the school that had been having many hysterical cases going on is adding another student to the record.
What is this? a plague?
And yesterday evening
My mom drove the car so fast into the car porch and as fast as lightning rushed into the house. tears in her eyes and all the hair on her arms and at the back of her neck stood up.
Me dad
hairanSo, my mom told my dad that while she was driving from Tamparuli just now, just after passing the Jambatan Baru, she heard a loud knock on the right side of her Kembara , like kena humban batu like that.
When she glanced to the side, she saw a figure...a female...standing in the middle of the road on the right hand side (kk to tamparuli direction)
Thus giving the spook to her.
Not long after relating this incident to my dad, me mom received a phone call that her cousin just passed away about half an hour ago.
Tears flowed more and more
Just now, I went to church for a prayermeet
*yeah, I am lame, don't laugh cos I go to these kind of things*As usual la Sabah time, so the initial time was supposed to be 715pm, then wait-wait somemore.
While waiting we shared stories la, outside the church
At work stories, gossips, then out came the question about the passing of my uncle (refer story above), then the story about me mom came about la. then the hysteria incident.
*aiyo, why la we bodoh2 go and cerita about all these*Went on with our activity and sharing inside the church after that, in the midst of this, some of the youth members noticed that they are/is people/dunno wat outside the church. Everyone kept their cool brushing things off until one of us went to say
"aih, macam ada orang oh di luar"Then can see, everyone is getting agitated already.
So, fast forward to going home time, no one wanted to turn off the lights
*cos if you turn it off, you will be the last person out*. But someone gotta do it kan, so my cousin went and the rest pretend to cepat2 go out.
Well, everybody is so eager to get out of the place. Scared sh8t! yet still keeping mum about how one felt that time.
I reached home after fetching my cousins back, that journey home was taking forever...
*babi betul*and I texted my friend. He was also scared alright.
*I guess so la, can see ba, the guys faces all tadi pun like what only* Anyway, he told me that his brother already saw something when all of us were still outside chatting. He said we definitely got company that time. It is just we didn't noticed it..
aaaaaaa, now I have to sleep with the lights on tonight.
*see I am really a coward, and yes I am not denying this*