I didn't get to enjoy the Merdeka fully this year, as I have to be the chaperon for the school's fencing team in a tourney at the fencing centre in Likas.
7am-5pm I was there. *well, not all the time la, but most of the time*
And last night during the Malam Ambang Merdeka in Tuaran, I was one of the chaperon for the school's choir team lagi. Huhuhu..
*late night, early morn wake up, thus turning me to a zombie, only adrenaline helping me to be "alive" towards the end of the day.*
Some pics of last night's event...*These hyper kids very hard to jaga man, imagine they were almost 40 kids to watch...to jaga kambing is easier I think.*
urgh..ur face look so not enjoying the moment + tired i supposed?
ya la..bosan ba tu event..sa saturang lagi cikgu perempuan time tu.got other teacher tapi nda ngam cerita, wanna cerita2 with students, they are too young, too childish to talk to. *sigh, its hard to fit in. so i was practically being there for my task onli..huhu
napa sia inda dapat kasi beza sepa cigu sepa murid ni joan.haha....
haha..nda bulih kasi beza ka?
got pros and cons juga la dat statement and the reality of it.
most of the time, when I go chaperoning the students, they will hardly notice a teacher is among the student. saiz pun lebih kurang sama ja. perangai pun gitu juga dats y la..
haha. ni la ni. but i dun seem to care tu wel. bagus lagi un-noticed..keke
aiseh seh.."un-noticed" ba kan..ehe..well it doesn't suit u well actually..mesti ko kira mcm kapten durang la ni kan..hehe..sekali ko paling jahat antara semua..haha..
kalu budak ko buat kes ko ngaku cigu dia ka..haha..org pun inda pecaya kali..haha..
yup pros and cons..kehaa..
ya mimang jadi kapten ni..muahaha
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