a fun*bit a little on the boring side* night for me. well, kinda siok sendiri anyway. food ok2, atmosphere loud and jovial. Kudos to the organizing team!
but I just felt a little out of place tadi. Not knowing anyone much and the aircon made me so cold and am kinda cold towards newly found friends. It was just so hard to break the ice *Not everyone is a social butterfly okay..especially me*
Happy that could see some of familiar faces that I know in real life. Jer~need ur blog add la bro, yours too long to remember tadi~, Fion, Mimi, Ned *excluding the group that I followed to this gathering la ~Ben, Neo and the rest*
Only a few new people that I managed to get to know *Well, its just rather "Hi, my name is...~no further conversation*
Josie~din manage to get ur blog add la tadi mandak~ and Jasmine and Gaman... that's it
Owh..I was such a wet blanket just now.
As I said I am a SHY person. It is just SO hard to break the ice

Oooh...and I am sulking cos I didn't win any lucky draw...0090. Why never panggil...huhu
Ada orang kana lucky draw 0092 tapi hairan bin ajaib, dia tidak mau pigi ambil...
bukan ko ka tu Ben? or 0092 is Elphege's?
hey i didn't see you there. i mean, i probably did, but i just didn't know which one was you. you should've said hi though. :)
and dont worry, i was feeling a little bit out of place too. got a bit awkward here and there. but yeah, it a nice event though. got to see some familiar faces so that was fun.
jasmine..i was at your table when you were sitting beside Mimie that time. I chat with Mimie for a while there and she introduced us. But, I guess, with so many people around, it must have slipped ur mind. i was wearing a brown dress that tyme with black leggings..:)
Saya 0093 awal-awal lagi sudah dapat & ambil hamper. Si Beck punya tu 0092
ekekeke..nasib nampak ko sana.. akward betul sia time tu.. lol...
kenapa la sia ndak menang tu kamera?? sigh~~~ -_-..
sodih den...
OMFGGGG... She diddddd????? OMGGG.. I didn't notice laa.. I'm soo sorry. I guess, I totally spaced out la that. Coz i mostly wont recognize people or their names unless they tell me their blog add. I memorize by blog names. :P
I'm soo sorry though.
ya ba..kenapa la ah teda menang apa2..sa purposely kunun tidak bawa kamera supaya ada "hong" kunun supaya bulih menang kamera..wahahaha..teda pula..
tsk tsk tsk
its ok jasmine...it was a room full of new faces. a chaos definitely. maybe next gathering we can cherita cherita la..hehe
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