am in a great mood today. again only 3 hours (approximately) to be spent at work. 130-445pm. *big smile*
hopefully the rest of the day will be okay.
happy friday people!
*am not usually in a good mood, but today, I am. so auspicious date ni...go buy number 4d now. mana tau kana*
btl2 d garden ka d google tu gmbr bunga tu? hehe nda ba..cantik oo..
betul ba..d garden tu. its all about how you take the pic and present it..wahaha
Eh really nice lah the flowers, mesti rajin your mum gardening ni kan? atau kamu ni kuli siram bunga...mcm saya? hahaha.pandai juga ko ambil gambar ni... nway, kena lah tu 4D? haha
ya..btul tu...joan, come jalan2 around pigi cari bunga2...parit2 pun ok bah, coz ada sa nampak tu bunga teratai tepi jalan d penampang, but then i dunt think my lens could snap that ..huhuhu..mau yang lagi close..jom jom..snap those picture will makes us more close to the environment
cyn: teda bili numbur la..cakap2 ja tu
claire: ya,meh kita jalan2 p ambil gambar
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