As promised..
So here's how my precious December went off very quickly.
1) Carolling

It started early December and only ends at 21st of December. Every night have houses to visit and sing carols.
Penat? Of course...
Massive headaches as well because gotta take care of the younger ones in the group.
Walking at night...yes, that's the real challenge.
Bukit bukau, hutan, tanah rata, kebun jagung, anjing garang, sawah padi, jumpa ular, jumpa hantu... Semua ada.
Still. It was fun!
2) Charity
Held in conjunction for early Christmas celebration for the special need children. It was a great experience helping out with the other youths from church. Tiring and yes it was a good exposure for everyone.
I was the "sudden" emcee for that party as well. YB Datuk Jahid Jahim was there to officiate the event as well as some VIPS.
It was such a joy to see the laughter and happiness of the kids celebrated that time. I am gonna dedicate one post just for this event soon. *just gotta find the time*
3) Tom-tom and Jem-jem
Yes, we have new puppies. Adopted from two different place and now they are brothers.
Jem-jem is the white and chubbier one. Tom-tom is the brown and more agile one.
Cute kan?
4) My Story 4
Attended this event and again it was not disappointing. Although, we came late and almost missed the first set. But I think that fella need to brush up on his vocal sikit la. *uuuu..jahat nya saya, pandai komplen lagi tu*
Good line up again this time. It was very interesting to see a bamboo saxophone called Somporing. Truly Sabah music scene is very unique.
Oooh and the bassist and the drummer...out of this world!!! Names lupa but siok oh.
Still 4AG rocks!!!
5) Hen Party
Attended a friend of mine's hen party with the other girls. It was happening! I wonder whose turn gonna be next..?
6) Weddings and engagements
I took pictures to cover this events. Still at the very beginner level but am really happy that I get to share notes with the pro-photogs. Very valuable experience. And am feeling very happy that some people seems to be interested with my work. Thank you..thank you..

7) Supermodel & Manhunk Competition 2009
For the KK finals, I emceed the event with Alvin. Another great experience. Different kind of emceeing, different style from what I have tried before. Wish to do this more in the future.
And God, I envy those tall and slim models, how come they look so perfect??
But boo-hoo, I didn't manage to take pictures with the beauty queens who were the judges for the event that night.
8) Christmas time
A very stressful Christmas this time, this year. I remember I was crying myself to sleep on that Christmas eve because of things that I don't like happen during the joyous season.
Hectic was the word as well. Just wished that there could be more than 24 hours in a day for December.
Anyway, the celebration was simple and the open house cum family gathering was a bomb as well.
Ramai betul orang sampai saya pun tidak tahu mana mau jalan dalam rumah. I seriously dunno who invited until ramai like that.
Pictures will be up soon on facebook.
Here's me any my aunty during the exchanging gift session. She got my gift : a broom + mystery gift in a box. Hahaha!!!
9) Last but not least, new year celebration
Camping it was. Some people thought I was joking when I told them that I am gonna go camping for new year celebration.
Unlike my previous year celebrations, this time it was closer to nature.
and by being closer to nature, I had war with mosquitoes as well that night. Ugh!
Camping was fun but I prefer not to do it often. *giggles*
the Hen Party photo, is that what i think it is?
what do you think it is..then maybe it is..hehe ^_^
woahhh! that pix made me u'uh! hehehee sangat ko ni moi..but it's ok ma, yg penting ko happy..
Happy New Year ah..meh p becuti!
sheila..bah capat la ko kawin ni 2010. nanti sa organize satu hen party yang mantaps untuk ko..hehehe
bah, ni tahun vacation lagi kita.
as tweety bird would say, it is! it is! it is what i think it is!
*distracted by the cake *eyes twitching.
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