Thursday, February 26, 2009

It ended!

The MSSD Tuaran ended!
 and H.U.R.R.A.Y!!
My school won the overall title.

Yet the red panda is here to stay.

Not only that my skin is so dry and red and painful, I am very RED now. Jerawat pun mau keluar. cis. 

I am so gonna be short, fat, and ugly...and also RED.

I guess its better off to be tan and gelap cos of the sun rather than being red and not gelap at all. It is just weird and funny looking.

I look pretty much like a lobster

A very cute, fat and expensive lobster *self consolation*

1 comment:

Lindut a.k.a Carmel said...

hehe..congratulation..lpas nie boleh lh ksi putih balik muka.. :)